
It’s Christmas!


Outta nowhere!

You hear those dread words from that little voice…

“Mama/Daddy, I don’t feel good.”

Oh Lord!

Your child is sick!

But not just sick.

Sick on Christmas!


You’ve got the fruit cake all wrapped and ready to go to Aunt Edna’s house for the party.

You just packed up all of the presents in the car.

And that nice Christmas outfit that you just bought and dressed your child in?

Forget about it!

What a bummer!

Because now you are going nowhere, and the holidays just seemed to go to hell!

That Time of Year!

Fall and winter is that depressing time of year when everyone starts to get sick.


And, unfortunately, your child may be one of the very unlucky few who fall ill right on Christmas!

Now….let’s think for a minute…

If that does happen, are you prepared?


Well, let’s take care of that, pronto!

Just in case…

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Create a “My Child is Sick on Christmas” Toolbox!

Don’t Panic!

Now I know that you are one heck of a prepared parent!

You’ve got the medicine, the tissues and the cans of soup!

Where’s the thermometer?

You’ve got that!

But what about the Christmas fun?!


Gotchya there, didn’t I?!


If you have a “My Child is Sick on Christmas” Tool Kit already made, then bam!

You totally rock!

Your fabulous Christmas Tool Kit should contain some holiday stickers, sensory toys, holiday games and books.

It could also be filled with a special Christmas stuffed animal or blanket and other comforting items.

How about some Christmas snacks?

Fill it with a variety of surprises!

Got your toolbox complete?

Make certain that you keep it in a safe place where your child can’t sneak a peek of it ahead of time!

Remember, we want to keep it as a surprise!

Just in case!

Watch a fun, upbeat Christmas movie!

There are all kinds of wonderful Christmas movies!

Make certain that you have one in mind incase this day ever comes.

You don’t want to be scrambling last minute to think of a good holiday movie!

If you’d like to see a list of suggestions, click here.

What’s nice about watching a movie is that you get the whole festive experience without having to engage otherwise.

If your child truly isn’t feeling well, this is a great choice!

And it also gives you the opportunity to snuggle!

Read Christmas Books!

There is something soothing about laying there and listening to a parent’s voice.

When children are sick, they need all of the “mommy” or “daddy” time that they can get.

Not only is it comforting, but it can also be healing.

What better way to let your child listen to your voice than through reading!

There are some really great Christmas books out there that you can share with your child.

Help your child escape his/her discomfort by launching them into a fun, magical world!

Listening to a really great story can take their mind off of their disappointment and sadness, even if just for a bit!

Here’s a great list of Christmas books that you can look into!

Lay in a Pillow Pile!

Have you ever made a pillow pile?

There is something special about laying in a big pile of pillows on the floor!

I have a variety of fun pillowcases that I like to put on our pillows.

And then we throw all of the pillows onto the floor and lay in them!

This would be a different activity to do and so appropriate for your sick little one.

Find some colorful pillowcases ahead of time and have them ready to put on pillows.

The more pillows you have, the better!

You can lay in the pile with your child and snuggle, read a book or watch a movie.

Either way, it is like laying in one big hug!

Draw/Color Holiday Pictures!

Coloring and drawing can be very relaxing.

When your child is not feeling well, you’ll want to aim for such activities.

Draw a fun, Holiday-themed picture!

And then color it in!

Or just be creative with your crayons and pencils and draw whatever you’d like!

Sometimes crayons can be the best medicine!

Play a Christmas Board Game!

Board games are so much fun!

And they can be relaxing, too.

(So long as no one is being too competitive!)

If your child is up for it, choose one and play!

There are some cool Christmas ones, if you like.

You can find one of my favorites here.

Decorate with Christmas Stickers!

What can I say?

Stickers are just awesome!

Christmas stickers are the best!

You can do so many things with stickers!

Place them in a sticker book…

Make cards for loved ones…

Hang them around the house…

Or even just stick them on your forehead!

Your child may enjoy laying on the couch and peeling the stickers.

Something about that can be soothing and fun at the same time!

Play with Christmas Sensory Toys!

There are plenty of kids’ sensory toys out on the market today.

Your child can simply lay on the couch and squish, squeeze or pop these little toys!

They are good for taking your child’s mind off of the illness and provide some comfort.

If you would like some Christmas-themed sensory toys, you can find some here.

Make a Simple Christmas Craft!

If you and your child enjoy making crafts, you can still try to make a simple one, if your child is up for it.

It can be something easy that doesn’t require much.

A craft that allows your child to remain on the couch or in bed may be most ideal.

Even if you see something that is a little more involved, you could always modify it so that it fits your situation.

If you would like to see some easy, Christmas craft ideas, look no further than here!

Get in on the Christmas Party using Video Chat!

So, you and your child are still bummed about missing out on the holiday fun with friends and relatives.

No worries!

You can get in on all of the party fun through video chat!

See if there is a family or friend who is able and willing to hold the phone at the party so that you two can be a part of it!

Talk to friends and relatives, take a look at those Christmas desserts and listen to grandpa read, “The Night Before Christmas.”

It can be the next best thing to being there!

Why not use today’s awesome technology to resolve some disappointment?

Bake Holiday Cookies!

This idea is only if your child’s tummy is feeling okay!

I don’t advise baking cookies if your child has a stomach flu!

Perhaps your little one is down because of cold.

Or maybe your child has a bit of a fever but is still a little active.

You two could bake some holiday cookies together!

You could do most of the work.

Then have your child seated at the table.

Your child could do simple things, such as: stir, pour and decorate!

It can still be fun even though you need to make it simple!

Check out a holiday cookie favorite of mine here!

Your Superhero Parenting Power!

No matter what illness may end up haunting your child, you are fully prepared to save Christmas!

Your child can count on you to not only rub his/her tummy, but to also provide some festive fun!

So long as you have your handy Christmas Toolbox, all should turn out well!

Your superhero parenting powers will still make the holiday season a memorable one!


If your child has ever been sick for Christmas, what are some suggestions for other parents?

Feel free to share in the comment section below!


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