Sometimes it can be overwhelming to take your child to the doctor’s.

Trust me.

I’ve been there.

There are questions that you want to ask, but may not be able to remember.

Doctors today are often pushy about vaccines, procedures and regular appointments.

You may feel pressured to agree to something that you are uncomfortable with.

In addition, you may be rushed to try to get to the appointment in the first place!

All while taking care of your child and making certain that things go smoothly.

Here are some tips on how to be most prepared for your child’s doctor visit.

1. Start Thinking Ahead of Time

Don’t get caught off guard!

Don’t wait until it is almost time to leave for the appointment to start thinking about it!

Start thinking about it days before!

Do you know how to get there?

Some of my son’s appointments have been on the other side of the state!

Make certain you map everything ahead of time!

What will parking be like?

Will you have to park in a parking garage or a parking lot?

Will you need the stroller if it will be a long walk to the medical building?

What snacks do you want to have for your child for on the way there and back?

Do you have questions for the doctor?

Will you need to provide medical history and copies of documents?

There may be alot to consider!

Start thinking now so that you will be better prepared come closer to the date!

2. Don’t Wait to Prepare!

Please don’t wait until the time to leave before packing up snacks and picking out clothes!

Do as much as you can ahead of time!

Pack up snacks the night before!

Have your child’s clothes laid out so that you don’t have to argue over outfits the day of!

I know that you’re super busy as a parent and you may say, “What the heck!”

But trust me!

You will be so glad that you took the extra 20 minutes or so to do this!

You may even thank yourself for preventing chaos the following day!

Make certain to write down any questions that you have for the doctor!

Map out your destination ahead of time, if you need to.

And aim to leave the house a good half an hour early so that you have plenty of time to get there!


Depending on where your child’s appointment is at, you may need to walk a bit to get to the office.

My son has quite a few appointments at the hospital.

Which means that we need to have extra time to park and walk.

Be sure to bring something to keep your child busy while you talk to the doctor.

Perhaps a drawing pad, a tablet or a small toy.


And have your license and insurance cards packed up and ready to go!

Don’t forget the stroller (if you need it!).

3. Make Sure to Ask

Don’t be afraid to ask the doctor any questions that you may have.

Sometimes, it can be a little scary to ask certain questions.

When my son was diagnosed with a rare spinal condition, I had a real hard time asking a certain question:

How long until my son starts losing mobility?

The doctor never really brought up the timeframe and I was too afraid to ask.

Don’t do that to yourself!


Because you will go home and still wonder and research and kick yourself for not asking.

I lost many nights of sleep all because I was too afraid to ask the hard questions.

Pull out that list and ask away!

Take notes, if you have to, so that you can remember what the doctor said.

4. Don’t Be Pushed into Anything that You Are Not Comfortable with!

We live in a very pushy society.

Everyone pushes this and pushes that and shames people for not complying.

Unless it is a medical emergency, don’t feel pressured to let a doctor move forward with anything that you and your child are not ready for.

Make certain that you listen to your parental intuition.

And then, make certain to get a second opinion!

The doctor may very well be right, and your child may need to have a procedure done.

But if something doesn’t feel right, ask questions and get another opinion.

Again, as long as it is not a medical emergency.

My Parental Intuition in a Medical Situation

My 6-year-old son’s urologist was very forward about having to start intermittent catheterization for my son.

It was noted on an MRI that my son was not emptying his bladder all the way.

He didn’t have an infection and he wasn’t in any immediate danger.

He had been living that way for the past 6 years.

We just didn’t know it.

Everything in me told me that we needed to wait on this.

So, instead of letting the doctor start something so invasive, we left the office that day and never went back.

I went home and started him on a “pee” schedule.

I figured if he wasn’t emptying his bladder, then he needed to be given the opportunity to pee more.

Basic common sense.

I set a timer for every 2 hours and talked to him about the importance of trying to pee.

Due to his rare spinal condition, which we had just discovered, he wasn’t able to feel when he had to pee or poop the way that he should.

Then, I immediately started to hunt for a urologist that we were more comfortable with.

Because I am not a doctor and I am not stupid.

My son still needed good medical help, and I had a some time to try to find it!

Medical help that we were more comfortable with.

So, after much review-reading and doctor-research reading, I found a wonderful urologist!

One who was highly knowledgeable, but not so pushy.

She applauded the “pee” schedule and is following him closely.

Bottom line: Listen to the doctor, but listen to your own parental instincts, as well.

5. Reaffirm Prescriptions and Follow Up Before You Leave!

Before you leave the doctor’s office, verify what the doctor just said.

I always go over the instructions with the doctor before we leave.

I always say, “Ok, so you want me to give him (this), try (this) and follow up in (6 months)?”


Because much can get lost in a conversation with a doctor.

Many times, they rush in and out so quickly that they may talk to fast or not make details clear.

If you review with the doctor at the end of the visit, you will make communication more clear between the two of you.

Then you will go home confident in knowing what to do or not do in order to help your child.

Also, make certain that you know the exact prescription that is being sent to your family’s pharmacy.

Many times the doctor will send a prescription over, but communication with the pharmacy may not be clear.

Always review the name of the medication, the exact dosage and how many refills the doctor writes for.

This way, you can stay on top of any problems that may occur with the pharmacy.

6. Reward Your Child

Now, don’t forget to reward your child after the doctor visit, if they were good!

Many times, we are so rushed in our day-to-day.

Sometimes we forget to look at the positives about our children.

If your child was good, recognize that!

Reinforce it!

It is no fun for a child to have to go to the doctor.

Be certain that they know when they’ve done well.

When my son is good, I take him to the vending machine.

He loves to put the money in and push buttons to get a special treat.

Find something kind to do for your child this way.

A positive after-experience helps with future no-fun experiences!

You’re a Champ!

Now, you can handle any upcoming doctor appointment like a pro!

All you have to do is think ahead!

Prepare the day before.

List all of your questions.

Ask those questions!

Make certain that you listen to your parental intuition.

And clarify with the doctor about any instructions.

Lastly, treat your child to a treat if he or she was good at the appointment!

By the end of the day, you’ll feel like a true champion of medical visits!


Do you have some suggestions on other ways to prepare for a doctor appointment?

Feel free to share in the comment section below!





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